Eight-University Engineering Association
Founding Message
Since the establishment of the world's first engineering school in Japan in the early Meiji period (1868-1912), engineering has taken on various missions such as "introduction of Western technology and civilization," "domesticization of technology," "driving force for rapid economic growth," and "driving the world's science and technology" as the times have changed. During this time, the engineering faculties and graduate schools of Hokkaido University, Tohoku University, the University of Tokyo, Institute of Science Tokyo, Nagoya University, Kyoto University, Osaka University, and Kyushu University have played a major role as the driving force behind engineering education and research in Japan. Soon after the war, the heads of the engineering departments of these universities came together to establish the Council of Deans of Engineering of the Eight Universities, and have continued to share information and discuss issues and problems related to engineering education and research. In recent years, the situation surrounding engineering education and research has been changing rapidly, with a series of systemic reforms such as the emphasis on graduate schools and corporatization, as well as discussions on redefining missions and reforming universities from the perspective of innovation. The situation surrounding engineering education and research is changing rapidly. There is a mountain of problems, such as the doctoral issue, educational reform, and globalization. In order to respond comprehensively to these issues in this period of change, we, the engineering faculty of the eight universities, have formed a federation of nine engineering schools and 25 graduate schools belonging to the eight universities since 2012, and have been sharing information and identifying issues. By incorporating this organization as a general incorporated association, we hope to contribute to the development of engineering education, academic research, and science and technology in Japan by sharing the will to solve various problems, promoting direct dialogue with society and industry, and disseminating opinions and proposals from the engineering departments of the eight universities. We hope to contribute to the development of engineering education, academic research, science and technology in Japan. We look forward to your understanding, cooperation, guidance and encouragement. April, 2015 President, Eight Universities Engineering Association
Purpose of the Association
The purpose of the association is to contribute to the development of engineering education, academic research, science and technology, etc., at member universities and in Japan, through cooperation and collaboration among engineering faculties and graduate schools belonging to the eight universities, sharing the will to solve various problems and make improvements through continuous discussions on education, research and management, promoting direct dialogue among industry, government and academia, and sending out external opinions and requests. The purpose is to contribute to the development of engineering education, academic research, science and technology at member universities and in Japan.
Projects of the Association
Projects necessary for the promotion of education, academic research, and social contribution related to engineering Proposal activities for engineering education, science and technology strategy, science and technology policy, etc. Other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the corporation All other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the corporation